Could you guys put the amount of health below the characters health bar? Thx
Could you guys put the amount of health below the characters health bar? Thx
Good game with decent graphics. All in all a good time
This game is excellent. Has very entertaining music and is very fun. The weapons in the game are especially interesting.
Ok guys this is the best game ever I dont care if its a copy but so fun. P.S you developers need an update where you add more legendary heroes 1 of each type of old hero and add warlocks who are like mages who can heal and fight but use skull weapons instead of staffs and make it so legendary heroes can team up with other legendary heroes then if I could this game would be 100 stars. :) :( ;) ;( Oh and now you need to give us our 2nd and 3rd stash slot for free again and the 4th hero slot since they now take forever to obtain.
Complete copy of battle heart. Everything is nearly the exact same.
Every time I go on survivle mode It crashes and I have the same problem with the 4 bosses and these are the only way I can get loot thats not in the store
I love this game! I played it for 2 hours non-stop!
This game is wicked
Why is it so hard to get badges and every time I play arena there is Level 40 or 30s even if I refresh I really like the arena but need more badges and honor If u do it I will rate best game ever and can we talk in the game that would be great anyways thanks
I love this game and if you capture a castle you have to in first place and wait ?
Expected free coins from "quick" survey and reaching level 7 in game but did not receive wtf?? But other then that its okay.
Does anyone know how to connect to the server
This game is old, yes... but whenever you unlock siege mode it soft locks the game. I used to have this game when I was older and I would LOVE a remake or updates.
They really need to get on to fixing the seige unlocked thing you unlock it and it crashes
Unable to connect to server, so I can never pass the tutorial now
Its easy fun :)
I liked this game its very exciting and heroes are great nice imaginary it reminds me wow
I really like game but after leveling and get 4 heroes fighting for me in the team, i lost everything. My characters become invisible. I can move the character on the game map but its also invisible. I get into fights but again the characters are not there. This happened to me twice and i am kind of tired developing an account and losing everything. I am sorry to see such a good game go to waste. My emails to support wasnt even answered.
very very good game
I leveled my characters for days. Then suddenly file corrupted? And you only give 50.000 gold for compensation? I earned and spent like 500.000 or more. While I was fighting and game crashed, I was at 72.000 gold already. If you cannot compensate, DO NOT SAY YOU DO SO. End.